EXAR® 150 UL 3266 3398

Champlain Cable Exar 150 is the premium heat-defying cable in its class. Its irradiation cross-linked polymeric insulation possesses remarkable mechanical, flame resistance and electrical properties. Exar 150 processes extremely well on the latest high speed cut and strip machines. Processing costs are reduced by avoiding problems such as solder iron shrink-back, insulation creeping and poor abrasion resistance. This product has unusually high chemical resistance including many potting compounds, toners and solvents. Save money by avoiding costly scrap and rework.

  • High Temperature Rating: 150°C
  • Low Temperature Rating: -55°C
  • Voltage Rating: 300V
  • Flame Resistance: VW-1
  • Oil Temperature Rating: 60°C
  • Ultraviolet Resistance: Black
  • Radiation Resistance: 200MRads
  • Flexibility Rating: 3
  • Fluid Resistance Rating: 4
  • Cut-Through Resistance Rating: 3







Tin Copper

Nom. Conductor


       in.            mm.

 Nom. Insulation


         in.              mm.

Nom. Finished


        in.            mm.






40°C, Free Air

3266-26/XX-A0          26 (1/26)      .015           .38       .016            .41      .050          1.27 1.73 3
3266-26/XX-B0          26 (7/34)      .019           .48       .016            .41      .051          1.30 1.91 3
3266-26/XX-E0          26 (19/38)      .020           .51       .016            .41      .053          1.35 1.98 3
3266-24/XX-A0          24 (1/24)      .020           .51       .016            .41      .054          1.37 2.29 7
3266-24/XX-B0          24 (7/32)      .024           .61       .016            .41      .056          1.42 2.56 7
3266-24/XX-E0          24 (19/36)      .024           .61       .016            .41      .057          1.45 2.61 7
3266-22/XX-A0          22 (1/22)      .025           .64      .016            .41      .059          1.50 3.16 14
3266-22/XX-B0          22 (7/30)      .030           .76      .016            .41      .062          1.58 3.54 14
3266-22/XX-E0          22 (19/34)      .031          .79      .016            .41      .063          1.60 3.65 14
3266-20/XX-A0          20 (1/20)      .032          .81      .016            .41      .066          1.68 4.52 18
3266-20/XX-B0          20 (7/28)      .038          .97 .     016            .41      .070          1.78 5.05 18
3266-20/XX-E0          20 (19/32)      .038          .97      .016            .41      .071          1.80 5.27 18
3266-18/XX-A0          18 (1/18)      .040        1.02      .016            .41      .074          1.88 6.51 24
3266-18/XX-B0          18 (7/.0152)      .045        1.14      .016            .41      .077          1.96 6.74 24
3266-18/XX-E0          18(19/.0092)      .045        1.14      .016            .41      .077          1.96 6.67 24
3266-16/XX-F0          16 (26/30)      .058        1.47      .016            .41      .092          2.34 10.15 31
3266-14/XX-H0          14 (41/30)      .071        1.85      .016            .41      .107          2.72 15.34 46
3266-12/XX-J0          12 (65/30)      .089        2.26      .016            .41      .121          3.07 23.40 60
3266-10/XX-J0           10 (65/28)      .111        2.81      .017            .43      .145          3.68 36.12 80
Approvals / Listings:    
           UL   UL 3266 / 3398
           CSA   AWM
          Temperature Rating   150°C
          Voltage Rating (Vrms)   300V
          Flexibility: 7 days @ 136 °C   Pass
          Cold Bend:  4h @ -70°C   Pass
Tensile Strength:    
          Unaged   2000psi
          Retention after 7 days @ 150o C   2010psi
          Unaged   250%
          Retention after 7 days @ 150°C   235%
Flame Test:    
          UL VW-1   Pass
Chemical Resistance    
          Acetone Swell @ 23°C** 5-10%
          Acid - H2SO4 S.G. 1.260 5% Swell @ 23°C** 1.0%
          Engine Oil – ASTM D-471 IRM-902 Swell @ 110°C** 1.8%
          Benzene Swell @ 23°C/24h Not recommended
          Epoxy Swell @ 23°C/24h <5%
          Gasoline – ASTM D-471 Fuel C Swell @ 23°C** <1%
          Methanol Swell @ 23°C/24h <1.%
          Toluene Swell @ 23°C/24h Not recommended
          Xylene Swell @ 23°C/24h Not recommended
          Dielectric Constant 150/100MHz   3.1
          Dielectric breakdown strength  (Vrms)   12,000 volts
Oxygen Index: (D2868 Standard)   25